Project size: 315 acres total, 45 acres of floodplain wetland restoration
Partners: Appalachia Ohio Alliance
The Fleming Bend Protection and Restoration Project is part of AOA’s Scioto River Flyway Corridor Initiative, an ongoing effort to protect and restore the Lower Scioto River and its tributaries. This 315-acre property has 13,880 linear feet (2.62 miles) of Scioto River frontage running through it. Before now, this property was used for agriculture and cattle grazing, two activities which have the ability to release sediments and nutrients into our waterways. Further, a poorly forested riparian corridor, loss of floodplain function, and streambank erosion are actively threatening the water quality. With hopes to restore and enhance about 45 acres of Scioto River riparian and floodplain wetlands, the Fleming Bend Protection and Restoration project has the potential to have a profound impact on Scioto River water quality as well as to vastly improve aquatic and riparian system habitat.