H2Ohio Calls on Contractors to Attend Expo

As part of Governor Mike DeWine’s H2Ohio initiative, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is hosting a contractor expo on Wednesday, July 19. The event will gather leads, grantees, contractors, and others to discuss the priorities and management of H2Ohio’s water quality improvement projects.

ODNR has utilized strong partnerships, scientific expertise, and a monitoring system that encourages education to build wetlands around Ohio. Through this, H2Ohio has either completed or is in the process of constructing 144 wetlands.

Contractors registered with the state are invited to this expo to learn more about H2Ohio’s work and grants.

H2Ohio Contractor Expo

ODOT Auditorium
1980 W. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43223

Wednesday, July 19, 2023
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

To RSVP, email Kevin Nemer at Kevin.nemer@dnr.ohio.gov.

There is also an option to attend the expo virtually here, using meeting ID 260 772 219 68 and passcode xfHDV2

H2Ohio collaborations have given ODNR the chance to implement science-based solutions that not only clean waterways, but also provide wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities that help people enjoy beautiful natural spaces.

Governor Mike DeWine created H2Ohio in 2019 as a comprehensive, data-driven approach to combatting algal blooms, enhancing water quality, and improving water infrastructure over the long term. H2Ohio operates in partnership between the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and the Ohio Lake Erie Commission. The initiative focuses on encouraging agricultural best management practices, restoring and enhancing wetlands, upgrading outdated water infrastructure, and replacing lead pipes. For more information on the H2Ohio initiative, please visit h2.ohio.gov.

ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.
